Mutual sensations

massage, kissing, and more

My warm smile radiates a sense of tranquility and my powerful yet gentle hands deliver the magic of releasing tension in your body. When performing massage I experience something similar to mirror-touch synesthesia where touching your body makes me feel tingles and relaxation in my own body. I call it a uniting sensory effect where we are both attuned to the same wave of pleasure :) I am an avid massage lover and appreciate diligent and deep technique, which I bring to my own sessions with clients. I love when sweat runs down from my armpits, as well as gliding on top of your member and sticking out my butt in your face :D


Etiquette: Clearly, don't ask me stupid questions like requesting to show my unblurred face before or after booking process, etc. It's visible that I am gorgeous. I don't entertain time wasters who would collect my address and then start crossing boundaries. The right to see me in my private space or even see me it all will be revoked for such individuals.


body-to-body sensual erotic massage

60 min

nude slide & heading to heaven


Body-to-body rub performed with unscented oil or slippery Nuru gel, working both my elbows and nipples to create a comprehensive range of intense and gentle sensations.


At the end, I will make you extra happy by locking eyes with you and tasting you with heavenly moves :)


full immersion

+ $200

Full GFE package

Book your session

10 am - 10 pm daily

Arlington, VA incall:

discreet & cosy | free street parking | close to metro

Outcall in DMV is extra $100


Your appointment is secured with a $100 deposit sent within 24 hrs after date & time confirmation. If you need to cancel, your deposit can be applied to a new date, otherwise I'll keep it as a cancelation fee. Bring the rest in cash.